Talking about home testing for HIV

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11 people on pebl are talking about:

Family planning

I want to start a family with my girlfriend but anxiety over past potential exposure is worrying...

Biosure test I believe to be extremely accurate

Hi, On December the 18th 2019 i had a Heterosexual exposure. I started testing from the 03rd Feb...

Possibly hugely overthinking?

Hi I recently completed a UK Biosure test for HIV after a 3 month window period. I tested...

Test with wet hands?

When I pricked my finger with the Lancet my fingers were wet from when I had washed them with...

discolored/white T line?

Hello I’ve made a HIV rapid test. I put a smaller than required amount of blood and the right...

Needle-stick injury and HIV Testing

I really need your HELP! I have put myself in the situation and I don't know exactly what to do....

Could tests be wrong?....Worried

Apologies for long post... I know I have anxiety and have been seeing psychologist but still have...

Help with anxiety please!

Hi, I had protected vaginal and performed unprotected oral sex with a sex worker about 4 weeks ago...


What an amazing thing. My father is HIV positive. I understand and am aware that it is no longer a...

many still regard hiv as a death sentence

I had my very first hivselftest on 14th July 2016, I do test at gum clinics regularly. My partner...

Worried myself sick

Worried myself sick for years after a few mistakes when I hadn't used protection,tried to put it...