Macmillan Cancer Support

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Cancer care - fine professionals who have done everything they can

“My partner has myeloma and is a patient at the Herefordshire County Hospital. In the course of her diagnosis and subsequent treatment at HCH she has been seen, assessed and treated by a brilliant consultant, a fine dedicated cancer nurse and an excellent team in the chemotherapy suite. She has also twice had radiotherapy at the Oncology unit in Cheltenham and this has been carried out with kindness, sympathy and good humour by all of the radiology staff there. Closer to home in mid-Wales, our GP, our local Macmillan Nurse, and the team of District Nurses have supported us through pain, disappointments and miseries. We have been seen promptly, have been kept informed about what is happening and what will happen and all these separate elements in her treatment talk to one another and seem to have ensured that we have received prompt and appropriate treatment. It’s not all been perfect but the NHS is a huge organisation and there are always things that go wrong or produce unsought for consequences. But while the process of having incurable cancer is fundamentally a grim process, all of these fine professionals have, it seems, done everything they can to make that process easier.”

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