Talking about home testing for HIV

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Good day

Quick question. Going back on some of your answers I see you say 4 weeks, only 50% accuracy, yet 30 days you say 90%. Theres only a two day difference in those.

However, can I ask you what sort of accuracy rate would a test 45 days post exposure give you? Thats around 6 weeks and 3 days.


2 Responses

 Used on 19th December 2017

Thanks for the response Gary. So as long as the control line appears on the top of your test it means that i have used enough blood and the test has worked?

Gary Carpenter, BioSure (UK) Limited
 Work on 18th December 2017

Hi Gamer, Thanks for getting in touch and sorry if we have put out confusing information. I will tray and clarify. 50% of people will have made enough of the right kind of antibodies by around 25 days after infection (but we round this up to 4 weeks to err on the safe side. The number of people who have antibodies then rises very rapidly so that by 30 days about 90% have them. The process of antibody creation is very variable by person. By 45 days about 94% of people will have the antibodies that the BioSURE HIV Self Test looks for. I hope that this helps. Kind regards Gary Carpenter BioSure (UK) Limited

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