Talking about home testing for HIV

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Test effect

I plucked up the courage to use your test again after weeks and months of anxiety. Have used them to great effect and relief before.

I got a negative result with the single control line very visible and followed the instructions perfectly. No other lines or even a fade of a line were there.

My questions are:

My hands were still a bit wet after washing them when i used the test, I pricked my finger and was careful to squeeze out as much blood as I could – though the prick wasn’t perfect. I got enough into it. Would any trace of water in my blood have affected the result? Or affected the ability of the test to detect antibodies? My understanding is that if you get a control line the test has worked.

Thanks again

1 Responses

Francesca Bard, BioSure (UK) LTD
 Work on 25th March 2019

Hi Overthinker. Thank you so much for using BioSure and I am so glad you now know your status. You are correct in thinking that the control line can only appear if the test has worked, this is there so the user knows their result is valid. Washing your hands will not affect your result. I hope this helps put your mind at rest. Kindest regards Francesca Bard, BioSure (UK) Ltd

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