Talking about home testing for HIV

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Problems with testing

I performed an HIV test yesterday. The test fits well into the space. I can see one single very clear purple line in correspondence with the control line on the image, but I also see a slight, almost imperceptible purple shadow ABOVE it: does it mean anything? Then I see an irregular mark just above the blue lid, where you say the blood mark might appear. As far as I could see then and can see now, there is nothing where the test line should be. Can you please tell me what to think of my test?

1 Responses

Gary Carpenter | BioSure (UK) Limited
 Work on 27th March 2017

Hi Worried Everything you have described about your test indicates that you have performed the test correctly and have read the result correctly as negative. I hope that this helps to put your mind at ease. Kind regards Gary Carpenter BioSure (UK) Ltd

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