Talking about home testing for HIV

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Ongoing symptoms

Hello I had a relationship two years and 8 months ago without the use of condoms and AIDS and infectious diseases more than 16 times and all are negative, but my concern my ongoing symptoms, such as lower back and leg and knee walking or carrying weight and grain in the face and skin sagging in the abdomen, Thanks for the help

2 Responses

Francesca Bard, BioSure (UK) Ltd
 Work on 03rd August 2018

Hi Delo, thank you for contacting BioSure. After more than 2 years your results would be conclusive, especially considering the number of tests you have performed. It is highly unlikely that your symptoms are related to HIV, these symptoms could be related to stress however I would recommend going to your doctor to get checked. I hope this helps put your mind at rest. Kindest regards Francesca Bard, BioSure (UK) Ltd

 Used on 01st August 2018

And last analysis after the relationship tow years and tow months

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