Talking about home testing for HIV

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In control of my status



Less scary then going to a clinic or gp

I recently found I was pregnant and the midwife had left a leaflet about the HIV test you get whilst pregnant. Until then I’ve never really thought about HIV then I started to think about the people I had unprotected sex with before my fiancé, and I’ve never been tested and you can’t be 100% of your status until you’re tested.  I wouldn’t have gone to the doctor or sexual health clinic – just way to scary to think about. I think bio sure test at home is great – do it in comfort and not have someone else tell you what is going on – you’re in control . The 15 minute wait was the most scariest time of my life so far I thought about all the times I could have put myself at risk and health , it’s taught me a massive lesson to be careful and to keep my status as HIV NEGATIVE . Sexual encounters are definitely not worth a life time illness .

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