Talking about home testing for HIV

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Is there something else going on?

I have a question. I had unprotected sex with a girl that i trusted. I did a 4th generation doctors bloodtest at 6 and 9 weeks after exposure because i had some symptoms like skin rash on arms, legs and other parts of the body. This rash appeared some days before my first test at 6 weeks. I had also some muscle pain. when the test at 9 weeks was negative my doctor said that i can trust it. That i don’t have HIV.
But some days after the last test at 9 weeks,i experienced some other symptoms. My skin rash is still there, also i have swallon lymph nodes in my neck and on the back of my neck. I have night sweats and i am feeling nauseous. The girl i trusted have blocked me on everything, because i keept asking her to get tested so i could leave it behind. But now i feel insecure…
The main question: Can i trusted the test at 9 weeks and are the symptoms just stress. Or is there something else going on. After all of this i didn’t have sex anymore. And we are now 11 weeks further after the exposure.

1 Responses

Francesca Bard, BioSure (UK) Ltd
 Work on 30th May 2019

Hi Insecure, I would like to start by saying you have done the right thing by getting tested however I am unable to comment on the reliability of the tests that you have taken due to lack of knowledge. I would recommend asking the place that performed the test these questions or testing yourself using the BioSURE HIV self test at 12 weeks to get a conclusive answer. I am sorry I couldn't help you any further however I hope this makes sense. Kindest regards Francesca Bard, BioSure (UK) Ltd

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