Talking about home testing for HIV

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I was so scared

I had unprotected sex in January with someone I knew very little about and it is now May and I can honestly say I have spent hours upon hours worrying about the possibility of having the virus, I worried so much that I had convinced my body I was sick and I displayed MANY of the symptoms associated with HIV, such as swollen lymph nodes, rash, headaches, tingling in my arms and legs, night sweats and a full on flu a couple weeks after which was probably just a normal bug but I was absolutely convinced, your mind is very powerful and can make your body display symptoms if you worry enough. I wasted hours googling the symptoms, the worst thing you can do when scared but I was desperate for some sort of confirmation which you will never find on google . I urge anyone who is concerned or unsure of their status to TEST that is the ONLY way to know for sure, remember I was 1000% sure I had it there was absolutely zero doubt in my mind and my test result was negative. Be brave, do the right thing, don’t ignore the possibility , stop worrying and just test. Biosure is an amazing product as it can be done in the comfort of your own home , in private and it only takes 15 minutes. Highly recommend to anyone who is unsure of their status.

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