Talking about home testing for HIV

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Anxious Human



Can I rely on this negative?

Hi there,

I used your Biosure home testing kit and received a negative result. I haven’t had unprotected sex with anyone in over a year. I have been really anxious the last few days and am enquiring at to if I can confidentially rely on this negative result? I haven’t been sexually active for nearly a year.

1 Responses

Becky, BioSure UK Ltd
 Work on 20th October 2020

Hi Anxious Human, Our HIV self test has a window period of 12 weeks. If your only exposure was around 1 year ago, your negative result is accurate and conclusive - you do not need to retest. Usually when users test well outside of the window period, if they were to be positive, the test line is often very red in colour and visible. I would not worry that you have misread your negative result - as long as the single control line was visible, your test has run properly and your result is reliable. I hope this helps to put your mind at rest. Kindest regards, Becky

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