Talking about home testing for HIV

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I had unprotected sex with a few partners, and one night stands up until 2010. I stopped that when I met my husband. It had always been at the back of my mind that maybe I could have contracted hiv and it did worry me. Since 2015 I seemed to be poorly all the time, so looked up the hiv symptoms online, they were all similiar to how I had been feeling. I kept putting it off buying the BIOSURE HIV test because I was scared of what the result might show and how would I explain to my husband if it was positive! Eventually I purchased the test in June 2016 and it took me 2 weeks to pluck up the courage to do it. It was the longest 15 minutes of my life and was scared to look at the result. BUT I was elated when the result was negative, I literally cried with joy. Wish I had done it sooner, no need for all the anguish wondering if. I advise everyone to buy the test and ease your minds asap.

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