Talking about home testing for HIV

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3 false negatives??

Hi I’ve used 3 of your biosure tests now all outside the 3 month window period. At 6 months 8 months and 11 months but still ridiculously anxious and terrified that might all be false negatives. I just really really like to know if that’s even possible or am I just freaking out over nothing??

1 Responses

Becky Smith, BioSURE UK LTD
 Work on 16th March 2020

Hi SeriouslyAnxious, The fact that you have performed three tests all outside of the window period is an extremely accurate indication of your negative status. As long as you received a control line, it means that your test has run properly and you have done everything correct. False negatives do occur but the likelihood of you receiving three false negatives is very very very unlikely. I would recommend to put this behind you and try to move on from this knowing that you are HIV negative. Kindest regards, Becky, BioSURE UK LTD

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