Talking about home testing for HIV

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used 4 tests

Dear BioSure Team,
I’ve used 4 BioSure tests so far:
1. After 28 days,
2.After 56 days,
3.After 70 days and
4 After 81 days.
Should I finally move on with my life and consider my results conclusive?
Thank you

3 Responses

Becky Smith, BioSURE UK LTD
 Work on 09th March 2020

Hi Ed, Great to hear that you have tested again. Five negative tests can be relied upon greatly and I hope this gives you the hope to move on! Have a good week. The BioSure team.

 Used on 28th February 2020

Definitely not the answer I was hoping for but it is the one I was expecting :) I did the fifth test at exactly 84 days and guess what... I am moving on ;) Thank youuuu

Becky Smith, BioSURE UK LTD
 Work on 27th February 2020

Hi Ed, The tests that you have done so far are all really good indications of your status however, the BioSure test is only conclusive after 84 days (12 weeks). I would say to put this behind you as it is very very likely that your results are accurate but I can never say for sure that your result is conclusive until you test outside of the window period. Sorry that this is probably not the answer you were hoping for, but it would be wrong of me to advise you to not retest if you are still within the window period, even if it is a few more days. All the best, The BioSure team

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