Talking about home testing for HIV

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I tested 3months after possible exposure

I tested 3months after possible exposure negative and 4months become positive. Could it be as a result of another exposure or still same exposure?

2 Responses

 None on 04th May 2020

Was this positive?

Francesca Bard, BioSure (UK) Ltd
 Used on 06th January 2020

Hi HelpMe, the reason for your result changing could be due to a number of different factors for example not testing after 12 weeks or having multiple exposures. If it's possible could you please email a picture of your test so I am able to look at this further ( I would also recommend getting a confirmatory test as soon as possible but please don't panic this is simply how the system works. Kindest regards Francesca Bard, BioSure (UK) Ltd

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