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This makes me want to cry with frustration and sadness

This makes me want to cry with frustration and sadness – 30 years ago as a nurse I worked with junior doctors who could hardly keep their eyes open due to ridiculous long hours let alone make life and death decisions ! It makes no sense whatsoever to return to those dark ages. I have given many years of service to improving the NHS and patient experience, this feels like a kick in the teeth. More than anything I worry for my daughter who will become a junior doctor 1st August 2016. She has worked so hard and built up a huge debt to train – as have we taken out loans to pay her rent and top up her living costs. For the last 2 years as a clinical student her student loan was cut by £1000, she was not eligible for an NHS bursary and the bank would not allow her a loan or overdraft – she hates being financially dependent on us but there is no other option. She can’t take a job like other students due to the constant study and long hours gaining clinical experience. We don’t really understand why there is not more support and we even have to pay her dental and optical fees – we are struggling. The light at the end of the tunnel was that she would at least be financially secure once qualified. She has not chosen this career for the money – but come on this is so unfair! It will also be young women who wish to take career breaks and/or work part time who will be doubly discriminated against. This is absolutely critical to the future of our NHS survival – I hope the general public realise that! Come on everyone support those incredible bright, talented, selfless young people! This new contract will impact upon the medical staff who keep our NHS running. The term junior doctors is misleading as that means every doctor who is not a consultant. These are highly qualified specialist who we cannot afford to lose from the NHS. Would Mr Hunt like a member of his family to be operated upon by a neuro surgeon who has been working such long hours and who is worried about how their financial security?!
This feels like another hit to the overall erosion of the NHS!

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