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Relative of West Essex about Princess Alexandra Hospital



Shocking story about things that happened in 2003.

This is an old story, but one I will never forget. My mother was in PAH in 2003 with a fractured femur. The treatment she received was not too bad, but we sat and watched at how other patients were treated, and it was not too good. One lady was left in the toilet for 5 minutes, the light was flashing so as a nurse would help, all of the nurses (none were with patients) sat at their station eating crisps and drinking cans of drink, not one attempted to get up to help this lady out of the toilet ,until THEY felt they were ready. We watched nurses play tennis with small bedpans. Another lady could not get out of bed to reach her trolley where her food was left,when the plates were collected, as she had not eaten her food it was taken away again (this lady was not capable of talking) to say she had not reached the food. A friend was visiting my mother and watched a nurse help an elderly gentleman to sit down, as he went to sit he fell back, pulling the nurses arm, the nurse walked away saying “I hope you haven’t broken my F*****G arm”. I feel that if nurses have not got the patience to do this sort of job especially with the elderly, they should not be working at PAH.

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