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Public of West Essex



Galen House, Harlow - It’s totally unsuitable for patient care - previous location was much better

Have just been to the pre-operation assessment “office” I was horrified at the dreadful area allocated to this service on the second floor in Galen House, part of the Addison House block! The pre-operation assessment used to be carried out in the building previously used for the walk in centre but has been moved to what can only be seen as old offices in Galen House. The waiting area is grim, with notice boards stored behind the chairs, storage boxes on top of cupboards, no water for drinking and in bad decorative state. I understand from the patient that the one room the nurses had to carry out blood tests and ECG test was so small but three nurses were trying to carry out the assessments. The area is very remote from the hospital and parking for the services not signposted. It’s a disgraceful place to carry out medical appointments and tests. It was clearly built as an office block above several Doctors practices. The previous clinic in Wych Elm was so clinical and totally suitable for the purpose whereas the new area is totally unsuitable and simply not large enough for the purpose.

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