Talking about home testing for HIV

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20 people on pebl are talking about:

Delayed antibodies due to covid

I’ve really been worrying about the chances of covid suppressing HIV antibodies and the test not...

Anxiety grows

Hi. I have found

Biosure test I believe to be extremely accurate

Hi, On December the 18th 2019 i had a Heterosexual exposure. I started testing from the 03rd Feb...

Can’t let go of anxiety

I have tested negative using the biosure test kit. It is 15 months since my last possible exposure....

Test Advice please

Firstly apologies for the length of email; I am a male and I had unprotected penetrative sex in...

Needle-stick injury and HIV Testing

I really need your HELP! I have put myself in the situation and I don't know exactly what to do....

Think you have all the symptoms? Read my story if you are convinced you have HIV

I just want to share my story for the people who are convinced they have contracted HIV in hope...


I recently used a test kit to check my hiv status. I am concerned that my test may not have been...

I've put myself at high risk

Can someone please help me? I've put myself at high risk with a guy that had unprotected anal...

Amount of blood required?

Hi there, I took the test at home recently but for some reason no matter how hard I tried the...

false positive?

I got a positive result the second line was a weak line, I have previous been infected with...

low-risk doesn't mean no-risk

I'm a 37 year old hetero white British female who has had unprotected vaginal sex. I was very...

Question's about the test

Hello, Does it matter if there is some solution left after testing? I realised I didn't insert...

oral sex drew blood

I had oral sex and the man's teeth drew blood on the head of my penis. I have been very stressed...

Question about testing

I got a negative test outside the window period but I don't think I disinfected my finger before...

Received my test package via Terrence Higgins Trust.

Received my test package via Terrence Higgins Trust. The most local GUM clinic to me has moved...


Should I do the Biosure HIV test in the morning while I have not eat anything to improve the...

This product needs to be advertised more amongst the gay community

This product needs to be advertised more amongst the gay community. Like many others I have a...

It was the longest 15 minutes of my life. But no matter what the result was, I had to find out.

It was the longest 15 minutes of my life. But no matter what the result was, I had to find out. The...

Better to know than to torture yourself

About 6 months ago I had Shingles and looked online to see what the possible causes were. HIV was...