Talking about home testing for HIV

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Still worried 02



Still paranoid after negative test

Last possible exposure was years ago. I took a test and it came out negative but I’m still paranoid. How accurate is this result? I saw on your website that it’s 99% accurate but I can’t help thinking what if I’m that 1%. Is that possible even though I’m well outside the window period?

1 Responses

Becky, BioSure UK Ltd
 Work on 09th November 2020

Hi Still worried 02, Our HIV self test is 99.7% accurate and has a window period of 12 weeks. If you have tested years after your last possible exposure then a negative result can be relied upon greatly. Usually individuals worry that they may be within that percentage of people who may have received a false result but the likelihood of someone receiving a false result when testing well outside of the window period is even lower due to the level of antibodies that would be present in the blood. I hope this helps, Becky

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