Talking about home testing for HIV

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I'm getting married in a week

I’m getting married in a week and due to the high stress, I got IBS.
Even though I got the diagnosis from a respectable doctor, some of the symptoms I had, were close to some HIV symptoms.
Even though I am more than 9 years with my boyfriend, but it can take more than that for the later symptoms to show.
I got so freaked out that I called my local hospital and they told me that I had to wait for a week to get my results.
Of course, I wasn’t going to spend the week before my wedding to find out if I should marry my boyfriend!
I ordered the test online, it arrived the next day, I took a huge breath and I did it.
It was the longest 15 minutes of my life, but it was all worth it! Now, I can get married without any care in the world.

What I want you to take from this is, please don’t hesitate. Even if you are in long term monogamous relationship, do a test.
Only good can come out of this for everyone involved.

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