Talking about home testing for HIV

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I have had 2 bio sure self tests

I have had 2 bio sure self tests. Both negative. My exposure was with a Thai woman in Thailand and I am unsure of her sexual activity. However, I have recently found out that there are different strains of HIV-1 around the world. Does the BioSure self test identify all of them?

3 Responses

Gary Carpenter BioSure (UK) Limited
 Work on 20th October 2016

Dear Scared Thanks for getting in touch. The BioSURE HIV Self Test is extremely accurate, in clinical studies the number of incorrect results have been incredibly small, much less than 1 in 1,000. So statistically there really is no reason for you to test again. However, if you still feel anxious about your HIV status the next step would be to visit either your local sexual health clinic, your GP or one of the very many 3rd sector HIV testing organisations. I hope that this helps to put your mind at ease. Kind regards Gary Carpenter BioSure (UK) Limited

 Used on 19th October 2016

Got the package on time, i had an exposure 15 months ago i performed test and shown negative Should i go for another test Biosure is great product, took less than 20 hours for delivery and very easy to use

Gary Carpenter, BioSure (UK) Ltd
 Work on 27th September 2016

Hi Michael Thank you for your question. There are a number of different strains of HIV. The BioSURE HIV self test has been proven to detect all of the different classes of the virus. I hope that this helps to put your mind at rest. Kind regards Gary Carpenter BioSure (UK) Limited

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