Talking about home testing for HIV

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Home Testing - I hate going to the GUM clinic

Firstly I would like to thank Biosure so much for creating this test. It has helped me massively.
I hate going to the GUM clinic and I didn’t want anyone else to know about my exposure. I felt people would look down at me. So this test is perfect for me. I can do it at home and in my own time. I have tested three times with these tests at 13, 14 and 15 months since exposure. However, I would not advise others to wait this long. But I was so afraid to do it before. Thankfully, all my tests have been negative. I can be assured now that I am HIV negative after all this time.

Although it has been a stressful process, I couldn’t have done it without BioSure. They have been amazing. Whenever I have had any questions they have always supported me and helped me out. I can’t thank them enough for all the support.

I would recommend this test to anybody. Perfect test, clear instructions, easy to followed, reliable, and great support service if you need it.

Again, thank you so much Biosure. This has changed my life massively and I can go forward as a different person and learn from my mistakes. Keep it up.

Thanks again.

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