Talking about home testing for HIV

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false negative and symptoms

Hi I had a biosure test 15 weeks after possible exposure and I had some symptoms. The test was negative and with me being paranoid I went to my local clinic and had a rapid test at 17 weeks 5 days since possible exposure (124days). Could both these results be wrong after this amount of time? Would I have enough antibodies at this time for the tests to be accurate?

1 Responses

Francesca Bard, BioSure (UK) LTD
 Work on 22nd October 2018

Hi married&worried. The chances of both of these tests being incorrect is virtually impossible especially after this amount of time. The BioSURE HIV self test looks for the antibodies for HIV rather than the virus itself however at 6 weeks 95% of people would've produced these antibodies and at 12 weeks 99.9% of people have these. I would recommend against testing again as this is only going to prolong the acceptance process of your negative status. I hope this helps put your mind at rest and thank you for choosing BioSure. Kindest regards, Francesca Bard, BioSure (UK) Ltd

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