Talking about home testing for HIV

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could this be a false negative?

I had an exposure in Dec ’19. I experienced what i thought was a seroconversion illness. I also experienced other symptoms some months after including gum disease and cold sores (which I’d never have before). I have had arthritis symptoms including tarsal tunnel and bony lumps on fingers.

Obviously i was concerned and scared re HIV but 8 months post exposure i took a Biosure self test which was negative. I did this with a friend who confirmed we’d done it correctly and control line was visible. Prior to this we’d attempted another test (not biosure) which failed.

I think blood from the same finger was used for both tests. Could it be that there weren’t enough detectable antibodies in blood for 2nd test due to obtaining blood for 1st test that failed? I know its sounds unlikely that ig HIV positive a detectable level of antibodies would only be present in a tiny amount of blood but could this have caused a false negative result? Is there anything else that could’ve caused a false negative outside of the window period?

Would the presence of another STD, such as syphilis impact upon the test’s ability to detect antibodies? I am not on prep ot did not take pep.

Advise welcome as i have ongoing symptoms that concern me, thank you.

2 Responses

Becky, BioSure UK Ltd
 Work on 22nd March 2021

Hi Worried009, Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I hope you are well. Your negative result at 8 months is wholly reliable and conclusive. I don't believe that the first test failed due to lack of antibodies present, if you received no result at all, it is more likely that the 1st test was faulty. The most common reason for false negative results outside of the window period is if a user is on PEP or PrEP. Your negative result is extremely accurate and you do not need to retest. Regarding other infections, antibodies are specific for each virus - they are not the same for HIV and Syphilis as an example. The presence of another virus or disease would not affect the result of your HIV self test result. I hope this helps to answer your queries, if you have any other questions please feel free to leave them below. Thank you, Becky.

 Used on 27th January 2021

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